2013年10月25日 星期五

澳洲網友分享Technics sp-10 MkII整治記 (Tasso Papaelias/Austrlia)

First I disassemble the turntable completely. Then I take the aluminium case and use paint stripper to remove the original coating, which looks like it was some form of clear coat. Apart from the corrosion on the turntable, the clearcoat looks like it has discoloured and i think all old turntables will look better if it is removed. This is very easy to do and once the coating was removed I use wet and dry sandpaper to sand off corrosion and smooth scratches and surface imperfections. The SP-10 Mark 2 bare aluminium is actually "brushed" and not perfectly smooth to start. Because I smoothed some of it to remove corrosion, i then smoothed the whole turntable case with the wet and dry sandpaper.

I started with 400 Grade sand paper, then 800, 1200 and finally 2000 grade. Once all smooth I started polishing.

For polishing I used a bench grinder with polishing wheels attached. One wheel is heavy cloth for removing fine scratches and the other is soft for shiny finish. It took a few hours in polishing to get the mirror shine. The polish I used was industrial metal polishing compound made specifically for use with the machine.(Jobsco). No other metal polish worked properly with the the machine buffer. 

For the the acrylic lid, i used scratch remover polish for plastics, and a machine buffer which polished out the fine scratches. Even the lid now looks like new!

Before putting the turntable back together, I adjusted the brake, cleaned the bearing and put in new oil. When I put it back together, it worked straight away and and sounds beautiful!

